Our team has reached the end of our second week together (though, only the end of our first designated sprint week), and things are progressing smoothly.
We've got most of the key features of our game running, and our prototype level is constructed. Besides the platforming obstacles (pits, beach balls, etc.), one of the core mechanics of our game is collecting trash strewn around the levels. By cleaning up the environment, the player adds time to the timer at the top of the screen, essentially extending the player's life. All the standard garbage pickups are working, along with those that are dropped by careless beachgoers. The latter then function as ammo pickups so that the player can throw informational flyers at those same beachgoers. At least one other enemy will be present in the prototype by the end of this week, and we're excited to see how it affects the flow of the level and challenges the player to try different strategies.
Though much of the temporary art is still in the current build, most of the final art assets have been created, and things are starting to look really neat. For a preview of some of those assets, check out the September 5th entry of the producer's blog at http://producersperspective.blogspot.com.
More info on this project will be coming steadily, so keep in touch. In the meantime, take a look at a couple more screenshots from the most recent playable build of YOU Can Save the World!: Environmentalist (still a working title, but who knows if we'll ever come up with something that sounds less presumptuous?)!
- Troy
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