18 November 2011

H2Outcome? Successful! -- Week Ending 19 Nov

H2Outcome is a success! We completed a running version of the game in time for our presentation to Becky Menlove, Director of Exhibits at the Utah Museum of Natural History. Despite a few technical hiccups in getting the game working on their system, the pitch was well received. We'll be honored to have our game cycle along with a few others in the Utah Futures installation!

Creating this game in under a month has been a wild ride, but our team pulled together to make it happen in fine fashion. The multiplayer vision we invested in payed off, and we ended up with a product perfect for the 5-touchscreens-1-collective-projection installation. Make selections, see their results, receive rewards based on your decisions, and learn something while you're at it--that's been the goal of our project, and the team pulled it off.

We're excited for the opportunity to optimize the program a bit, and then to finally see it in action once it's officially installed for public use.

Many thanks to Becky Menlove and her staff at the Museum; to Boston Productions, Inc. for the research and resources they readily provided us; to the administration and faculty of the Master Games Studio at the University of Utah; and to our awesome team who pulled together under incredibly stressful circumstances to make this game a reality.

Check out the trailer below, then be sure to go play it at the Museum within a few weeks!

- Troy

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